Our Process

At the heart of Portland Pine Products operations lies the magnificent Radiata Pine, sourced from sustainably managed plantations spanning throughout Victoria and South Australia. The logs are harvested during thinning operations when trees are selectively removed to maximise forest yield.

From the moment a log is transported to our facility at Heywood, they are checked to ensure they meet our strict quality requirements and standards. Logs that do not pass these checks are chipped and sold to vendors for agricultural use.

Logs are then processed through the de-barker before continuing to be Peeled or Precision Rounded into poles using state of the art equipment and our own innovative systems. These cutting-edge technologies have been purposefully designed to cater to the unique demands of Australian roundwood industry.

Poles are then strapped together in bundles and set aside to airdry. This allows excessive moisture to slowly evaporate from the timber making it suitable for preservative treatment. To ensure the utmost quality and durability, our products are subjected to a patient and meticulous natural drying process that can span up to six months.

Only when the product reaches an acceptable level of dryness, the poles intended for external use are treated in strict adherence to guidelines outlined by AS 1604.1 and the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). Our standard treatment is H4 (in ground) but on request we can treat to higher levels to suit the application.

After treatment, surplus preservative is captured for reuse in future treatment. Treatment schedules have been developed to ensure there is sufficient time for the treatment to fix to the wood fibre before it is dispatched.

Finished goods are then labelled and are ready for delivery, either directly to a retailer or straight to the farm gate on behalf of the retailer.

Our extensive range of meticulously tailored posts and poles are designed to suit a variety of applications. Whether it’s fencing, trellising, or landscaping, our products seamlessly integrate into any project, enhancing both the aesthetics and functionality. In the viticulture and horticulture industries, our long length poles provide sturdy support for netting, protecting delicate fruit and promoting a thriving harvest.

CCA Preservatives

The Copper-Chrome-Arsenic (CCA) preservatives are used world-wide use and are a broad-spectrum defence against organisms which attack wood.

Each of the chemicals in CCA plays a specific and important role in the preservation of timber. Arsenic is an insecticide that deters and kills insects such as termites and borers. Copper acts as a fungicide to minimize attack by fungi such as brown rot, dry rot, soft rot and white rot. Chromium is a fixing agent that ensures arsenic, and copper are bound to the wood structure during its service life.

Timber Treatment Process

Timber treatment processes have been designed to ensure that the preservatives penetrate the timber structure and provide protection during the desired service life.

Portland Pine utilizes a modern and fully automated plant, following a proven vacuum-pressure impregnation processes to ensure the most consistent results are achieved. The Full Cell (Bethel) process has been proven to be the most cost effective and consistent method by which to pressure impregnate timber with water borne CCA solution over the various Hazard Classes.

There are five distinct stages of the Full Cell (Bethel) treatment process:

  • Initial vacuum – air is removed from the sapwood cells (to assist in preservation solution impregnation)
  • Flooding – the initial vacuum is maintained whilst preservative solution is run into the treatment vessel until full. About 80% of preservative retention is attained during flooding.
  • Pressure period – after flooding, the vacuum is released, and pressure is applied. The pressure is maintained until the solution flow rate is negligible (treating to refusal) or for a set period of time determined by practical experience.
  • Kickback and emptying – upon release of pressure, some solution (kickback) is forced out of the timber due to the expansion of compressed air within the wood cell walls. The cylinder is drained, and solution is returned to the storage tanks.
  • Final vacuum – a final vacuum is applied to remove excess solution and prevent dripping from the surface of the treated timber when removed from the treatment vessel.

Portland Pine Products are members of the TPAA (Timber Preservers Association of Australia) and comply with their recommended Treatment Process Guidelines.